Our mission
Find new ways to regain personal independence for those with physical challenges while staying true to our rich history of excellent clinical outcomes and customer service
To be a partner in the selection of services and & nbsp; products that increase the physical performance of a person

Our company

Why choose our company?

Despite our advanced age, we are a leading enterprise in the industry and consistently occupy a leading position in the prosthetic and orthopedic products market.
During our existence, we have helped hundreds of thousands of people with disabilities return to a fulfilling life.
Our company is one of the oldest prosthetic and orthopedic enterprises in Russia and the largest in Europe
I would like to say special words to the veterans of our enterprise.

They are always ready to share their experience with the younger generation, therefore they enjoy well-deserved authority and respect.
We have created a scientific and educational center that allows for continuous education and promotion of knowledge in the regions, master and implement innovative technologies in the production of prosthetic and orthopedic products, and improve the quality of prosthetic and orthopedic care for the population everywhere.

History of the enterprise

The history of MosPROP is a history of improving the quality of life of people with disabilities and empowering patients, products, services and partners.

1938 year
Founding of MosPROP
Founding of MosPROP
1950 year
Mass production launch
Mass production launch
1997 year
MosPROP recognized as the best in Europe
MosPROP recognized as the best in Europe
2005 year
Another height
Another height
2010 year
Rehabilitation school launched
Rehabilitation school launched
2018 year
We have been on the market for 80 years
We have been on the market for 80 years
2020 year
Entering the markets of Germany, Spain, England
Entering the markets of Germany, Spain, England

Company management

Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich
Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich
General manager
Graduated from St. Petersburg NRU ITMO in 1973. Bachelor's and Master's Degrees (Hons) Engineering and Technology in Mechatronics and Robotics.

Field of activity and professional achievements: robotics and biomechanics (bionics). During two years of master's degree he worked as a design engineer at a machine-building plant. Designed and launched into production a line (about 60 modifications) of conveyors. After graduation, he organized a team of engineers and programmers to carry out developments in the field of robotics and biomechanics. He took part in the creation of the lunar rover as part of the Selenokhod team. From October 2013 to January 2014, he was engaged in the development of space rendezvous systems. Member of the first Russian team of the Mars Desert Research Station program.
